Traditions and Customs

I have always admired traditions and customs of Japan. I will share a couple of customs that I have learned through my research.

Japanese greet each other without a handshake instead they meet each other only with a bow. This type of greeting has a very important role in expressing hospitability.
Another  custom that  they are famous for is that they are called a nation "with a smile".  They always smile regardless of the situation even if they have to offer  a refusal .  Japanese don't  look to the eyes too long, as it can be perceived as aggression and leave  a bad impression.

Before having dinner  all Japanese people clean their  faces and hands  with hot-watered  towel  called  "Oshibori"(お絞).  At meal time all persons have their own  small tables to have meals  so they will not disturb  each other.   All drinks is always being  poured by the  youngest person of each family, but for him drinks are poured by the oldest.

Indeed, as we do there are too general regulations: they don't  smoke in public transport and offices.  And the last interesting custom that I have learned  is that they wear special slippers before going to W.C.

I really hope that one day I will travel to Japan myself and experience their interesting traditions and  customs.
