Sports and Games

Physical and mental fitness is essential for every person. From all sports I like volleyball. Every year when  summer holidays begin we play this game almost every day.  Swimming is another sport that I like a lot. Usually, I swim in "DDD" fitness center's  swimming pool, but I don't really like it because it is too small and people disturb each other while swimming. It will be great to have a big swimming pools in our schools where students can take swimming lessons or just use it for  fun. 

Also, I like to ride a bicycle. It's a pity that  I can't ride my bicycle wherever  I want.  Most of  the streets in our  town  don't have  special lines for bicycles. Unfortunately, drivers in Yerevan are not used to bicycle riders because of its unpopularity. Due to that there are  many car crashes. I hope that eventually the bicycle lines will become more popular in our town.  It would also be great to have big parks, where people could ride bicycles without danger of cars, play games with balls, and relax from daily stress .

Our town also needs a stadium for hockey. It's a pity that our nation doesn't have an hockey team to participate in international tournaments.
