Teenagers and their problems

The history has shown that most teenagers don’t like to share their problems with adults. Their activities are very different from which adults expect them to be involved in. Most teenagers don’t like to be bothered with outside world. They create their own world and their own rules how to live after school. Some teenagers like rock music and are involved with their bands. Some like photography like me.

In many countries teenagers are involved in community cleaning activities. For example, in the United States teenagers are expected to devote their time in helping elderly people or getting involved in garbage cleaning activities. This task is part of their school schedule. 

Teenagers all over the world don’t like these activities. Teenagers don’t like their environment because they don’t like to be told what to do. They want to manage their own time. Some like to work for their pocket money but some like to ask from their parents.

 Most teenagers would love to live in greener cities with outside pools and other fun activities' facilities present. For example, in the U.S. there are places where teenagers can go and play golf, community centers where they can play basketball, swim in the pool for free of cost. Teenagers would like to live in a city where they can find fun things to do for their age.

Most teenagers don’t think about charity because they are too much involved in their own problems such as getting the homework done, or being in love, or making impressions on others. Indeed, there are exceptions especially those who want to be involved in scout movements.
